When I would take girls out rock climbing I invariably took them one
of three places. The third choice was a little spot full of easy
climbs in a canyon twenty miles to the north. The advantage there was
that it gave me the air of vast knowledge of the all around. The
disadvantage was that it was twenty miles away and all of the climbs
were too easy so they could climb the same stuff I could so there was
little room for showboating. The second place was a relatively easy
climb by the name of 'Sportzanager' which flanked by some moderately
more difficult climbs that I could show off on. This was a pretty
good spot but someone broke off some of the easy starting holds and
many young ladies quit before they got to the easy bits just a little
higher up. The first choice climb was a set of three right off the
right hand side of the road. The climbs started out very easy near
the ground and were too hard for beginners after the first twenty
feet. That way a novice could have the illusion of success for a bit
and then get to the hard part and fail. That is when I would swing
into action and powerfully climb to the top and hopefully impress the
ladies, rawr. My friends and I had climbed the three routes there so
much that I had the sequences down to muscle memory so I could sprint
up to the top where it turned into almost impassable slab and when no
one could see I would generally cheat the last move to the top and
then come down the victorious and brave. It worked sometimes and
sometimes the girls would just be frustrated that I took them to a
climb that only I could do. When the plan worked to plan though it
ended up with some oohs and ahhs and some muscle admiration.