Polyester Pete and That Girl is Too Young

 The summer that Jordan and I worked together we worked on retrofitting a home that time forgot from a much groovy-er era. The house was finished in 1968 and had remained frozen in time. The carpets were luxuriant and perfectly coiffed shag. The kitchen was bright yellow, all of it. The linoleum, the counter tops, the cupboards and appliances were a painful yellow that made one question the sanity of monochromatic styling when risking daily seizures. The roof was popcorn-ed and the walls were papered. The owner was a chiropractor who was also a relic from 25 years before his clothes were in perfect condition and dated. The collars were huge and he had brightly colored polyester pants that had faced to make him look like a real life technicolor time traveler. His slang was even strangely dated he would refer to us as 'cats' as in, 'How are you cats doing this morning'. We thought it was hilarious and would play along with the temporally displaced vernacular and call him 'daddy-o' and tell him that we can 'dig' and just other silly phrases that he never thought were weird but we thought were brilliantly funny on our part. We nicknamed him Polyester Pete even though his name was not Pete, strictly for the alliteration. Crazy sixties fashions notwithstanding the best part about Pete's house was his amazingly hot daughter. She was incredibly and painfully cute so we spent a good amount of time trying to creep a chance to talk to her. She was playing hard to get in that really devious manner of the femme fatale which employs the 'completely ignore' technique. She not only ignored us, but it was not the deliberate and contrived ignoring that a shy, but interested, girl might employ while stealing glances when she thought she was undetected. No, her type of ignoring was the type one might employ when considering a hat rack or a bookcase. As clever as it was crafty. We were talking about her and thinking of ways to talk to her in a natural way when we got to the part of the job where we were putting a duct into her bedroom. We thought this would be a great opportunity to break the ice so when we told her we needed to work in her room for a couple of hours she said, 'fine'; gathered her stuff and left. The flirty minx. While we were in her room Jordan was cutting to hole for the vent I was snooping around the stuff on her desk and happened to notice that most of the trophies and papers seemed to be focused on her accomplishments in middle school. I was confused because this girl looked our age not 12. I saw a paper that actually listed her birthday and she was in fact just barely twelve and four years is along way from 12 to sixteen, a very long way indeed. As soon as I found out how young the girl we had been creeping on was I started making fun of Jordan for being a pedophile but he wouldn't believe she was only twelve until I pointed out the school paper on her desk that proved the shocking news. For the next couple of weeks we would tease each other about being dirty perverts. We did not try and engage the young lady in conversation after that.