Spring Break My Friends Fight the Drugs

The next morning we went out hiking and two of the guys that were with us were getting a little restless because there were no girls there for them. On our way back from hiking up the river they were making plans to go into town and see if they could encounter some of those low self-esteem spring break girls of legend. The only problem there is a they hadn't brought a car so they were asking if they could use mine. I was super excited about that idea because they both had woken up saying they had a headache and the only painkiller that was available was some Tylenol PM, which if you're unfamiliar with that particular OTC drug contains a bit of a sedative. They had been fine for the hour or so we were hiking but when I started to come back they were looking pretty droopy. They were almost falling asleep walking as their heads would roll all the way down to their chests and then they would snap back up and look around kind of confused. When we got back down toward camp in the asked again if they could borrow my car and I told him that would be a firm no. They said they were just fine and they could fight through the effects of the nighttime Tylenol but I honestly wasn't entirely convinced. Definitely not convinced enough to loan the my car; my one possession on earth besides my clothes. They were also not welcome to borrow my clothes. I told them they should lay down and take a nap for a little while but they said it was too hot and they wanted to go find some girls. So we compromised, I agreed to drive them into town and drop them off while we went grocery shopping and we would pick them up a couple hours later when they found all the women they needed. We drove into town and dropped them off as planned but when we came back four hours later after some rock climbing and grocery shopping they were nowhere to be found. These were those pre-cellphone times when you got lost it could be a long-term to permanent thing. They didn't have a ride back to camp, back home or anywhere. We sat and waited for about 45 min. for them and it was starting to get late and I was starting to get pissed. I was driving around in a bit of the cranky snarl when we saw them the park leaned up against a tree, sleeping it off. I guess in the end the sedative won and I had been absolutely validated in my assessment about their driving abilities. We collected them up and put them in the car and drove back to camp. We woke them up enough to get them into their beds and they slept the rest the night as per their plan for wild debauchery. Those were actually the only drugs any of us took on spring break and it sucked. See kids? Drugs are bad.