All Alone At Wrestling Recognition Night

Even though I've been disqualified from extracurricular activities, including wrestling, I had been on the varsity team so they invited me to senior recognition nigh. It was an event held in the gym where we were all getting some made up award, even and especially if we weren't very good. The fact of the matter was that most of us weren't very good, we were terrible so there was no shortage of creativity in finding some exotic thing to praise and put on a plaque. I told my parents about this Wednesday night activity weeks in advance so they can come support me in my moment of wrestling glory. When the night came they had both forgotten, made other plans or something. Long story short - I go to wrestling recognition night alone with my girlfriend. After a speech from the coach about how great we were they called everybody up on the mat to receive their awards. They said the biggest contributor to a kid's success, the main thing, is always the sacrifice their parents have made. Then the coach went on to talk about the unsung glory of moms bringing kids to wrestling and washing their clothes and making sure they were taken care of and how that leads to their success. All the while I stood out there the only kid out of the 12 seniors without a parent. It was humiliating and embarrassing that I was the only guy that was stand out there alone because my parents were too busy to support me. I was obviously squirmy and self-conscious when we were to give the flowers that the coaches had supplied for us to our mom as a tribute of gratitude for all the hard work they put into our success. My friend Quin's mom was there and alone and rescued me by coming to stand me with her son and she got to roses out of it. They gave me an award for most improved wrestler. Which is an old chestnut of the backhanded compliment award. You did suck worse, but now you don't suck as much, hooray! I collected my little plaque and collected my girlfriend and I went home. I can't really remember what my parents were doing at night, I think it had to do with my dad working and my mom was at a church activity. Either way, we could definitely say that my success or failure in wrestling could not be chalked up to the unending devotion and dedication of my doting parents.