I Get Tricked Again - Floppy

 Even though my sister had really stung me for her and her friend's amusement I still idolized her and wanted to be in her inner circle. Another night just her and her 'bad influence' friend were over. I always thought it was funny that my parents thought that this girls was a corrupting influence because my sister was the naughty driver this girl was just the passenger. This night they were having fun with our camcorder and making little skits. I definitely wanted in on that so I was puppy-ing around behind them like a pathetic little extra willing to do anything for some face time. I told them I could do a back-flip on the tramp if they wanted to film that they were unenthusiastic but agreed. I went and did my flip and they all the sudden started giggling and whispering to each other. That should have been a warning but they said they just really liked my flip and that I should do it again. In my experience older sisters never legitimately like anything you do and if they claim to it was to suck up to trick you. She was sucking up to me to try and trick me. It worked. It turned out after I had done a couple of more tricks and then they ran off in the house laughing that what they really found funny was the exaggerated motions of my boxer-behind-sweats genitals. Yes, constant reader, they had just been trying to film my crotch and exploit that to my embarrassment. They ran into my sisters room and locked the door to re-watch what sounded like comedy gold judging from the laughs that were coming from behind the door. My sister was making a live foley track saying 'ba-gong' in a funny voice every time I was bouncing in the film. I was outside the door knocking and begging and just about to cry. I was terrified that she was going to do like she had the last time and spread my shame far and wide for her amusement. She yelled at me to go away and I didn't I told her to erase the tape and I would go away. She finally opened the door and said I needed to calm down and not get her in trouble because you couldn't see anything on the tape anyway and she was just trying to antagonize me. I demanded to see the footage before I would negotiate with this terrorist. She was right they had been trying to track me through a eye piece with a old camcorder that didn't have the resolution to make a joke of a young man's improperly secured cargo. I was relived I had been imagining a horribly embarrassing tape being transmitted hand to hand to every student in the school but this just looked like a couple of little girls badly filming another boy doing tricks on the tramp. Sweet tricks by the way, super sweet tricks.