Pinchy Ho-toes

This story is well out of order but when I was talking to my friend Casey the other day I was reminded of it and see how I have very little editorial oversight I will include it here. When I was about 12 and my brother Matt was about 10 we were on a trip to visit someone somewhere and for a day trip we had gone swimming at an indoor pool. It was fun and everything was going swimmingly, so to speak, when a group of kids about our same age started harassing us. I can't remember exactly what the primer was that set off the powder keg of splash and dunk fighting but at some point my brother brought out the big guns and decided to insult our Hispanic antagonizes in their own tongue. The main problem with that was that he, or I for that matter, really knew what our Spanish insults meant, let alone how they were pronounced. He started in with calling them 'Pinchy Hoe-toes' his approximation of the very vulgar Spanish insult 'pinche joto' which would be F-wording homosexual in English. It was not intended to calm the waters. The kids didn't understand what her was trying to say at first and then after he repeated it a couple of times they caught on and then they thought it was hilarious and then kept asking him to repeat what he had said. Nothing is worse when you are trying to insult someone then to have them laugh and ask you to repeat it again. Somehow the cross-cultural multilingual insult attempt really relieved the tension and I don't think we ended up as friends but it seemed like the fighting stopped and we both coexisted in the communal urine vat.