Passing Out in Church

 I have always been a really anxious guy and sometimes when I am having a really bad anxiety attack I don't sleep for days. The first time that happened that I can remember was when I was twelve and had been stressed out about something or something else, it didn't take much to push me over the edge. I had no slept for two nights and stayed up reading both nights. The third day after two sleep less nights was Sunday and I went to church with my brain in a numb sort of haze where my brain kind of shocked itself a little trying to keep me awake. I was supposed to be helping out during the service but I almost collapsed when I tried to stand up so I went to the hall to get a drink instead. I was holding onto the drinking fountain with both hands when my vision narrowed into a small circle and then blinked out. Luckily there was a man walking by who saw that I was in distress and he caught me as I blocked out and set me down gently. I was unconscious for only a few seconds but my brain was ready to shut everything down again soon if didn't get some rest so I went home and slept the rest of the day and on through the night. My mom was naturally worried when se found out I had not slept for days before by fainting and she took me to a doctor that gave me pills that made me sleep for 12 hours ready or not. I don't like the feeling of being chemically compelled and after the first dose of the horrid stuff I would take the pill and pretend to eat it and then go to my room an dread anyway. Sometimes if I was getting really badly manic and anxious I would take one but of the ninety or so I was prescribed I consumed only about 6. After a few months the fervor over my collapse died down and my mom didn't even require me to fake taking pills.