I Think I am Funny. Dustin Begs to Differ.

 I had a terrible mixture of smaller than average stature mixed with larger than average smartassery. I was helpless to stop myself from saying something funny but cutting and personal, I was also helpless to stop the almost inevitable beat down that would follow. There was one kid who was a bit of a stoner that had big fluffy butt-rock band hair and wore ripped out pants over tights both looks that were inexplicable manly in the late 80's. He was actually really cool and one of the only kids who I got along with really well but one day at recess I was teasing him about the way he was playing basketball and even went so far as to comically mimic his dribble and jump with exaggerated motions. All undeniably funny, to everyone but him. Everyone was laughing and I was riding high when Dustin pushed me hard on the shoulder and spun me around. He started asking if I thought I was funny, I did but I thought his question may be on the accusatory end of the rhetorical scale so I decided to say something tough. I went with a whiny borderline crying, 'Hey man, just leave me alone, okay.' Admittedly not a line that Clint Eastwood might use but he had the benefit of writers. I did all of my own material and my scared to death ready to cry material was not my 'A' stuff. I Backed up over and over across the whole parking lot that passed for our playground and he kept pushing me hard on the shoulders. Finally, he punched me hard in the guts and I crumpled into the bushes crying. The bell rang and everyone went back to class but I went in the furthest doors from the middle school hall and hid in the gym bathroom until I could stop crying and rinse my face enough to cover up my flushed face and tear streaks. It wouldn't have mattered everyone already knew that I got beat up and I cried. A kid named David, that sat by me in my next class that I came late to on account of the get-it-together-time I had spent in the bathroom, asked me why I cried like a pussy when Dustin punched me. There was no more popular kid in school than David and I wanted to save some face if I could, so I told him that I was crying because when Dustin punched me I tripped and I fell into the bushes and a stick poked right into my ear. My reasoning was even a non-pussy would cry if he was poked in the ear. That is not how young master David saw it and thought that was funny too, I cried because I got punched and a stick poked me, ha ha ha. Perhaps the greatest irony here is that David was a frail little wiener of a kid that had not one ounce of manliness and he was taking me to task for crying. Dustin was not mad at me and felt sorry for making me cry and embarrassing me so he was extra nice to me for the next couple of days. We stayed school friends for the next couple of years and never fought again. He moved away or dropped out I don't know which, they both seem equally plausible and both may have happened.