of the things I liked to do was impress my friends. Any chance I got
I would try and take my friends to the borderlands of good sense and
safety by pilfering some of my dad's 'hands off' type stuff and
impress them. My dad had a few bows and arrows that were off-limits
to me because I was not responsible in their use. I wanted to impress
Nate and Ryan so I took them down from their hiding place but I was
still concerned we would get caught if we shot them out in the open.
I didn't want to get caught and so obviously we didn't shoot them
outside where everybody could see us all out in our praise and
glory. I decided instead to shoot them in the shop which is what we
called that house in the front of our property that was full of
parts. Nate, Ryan and I set up some targets on the far side of the
bid room and we had a great time shooting. The only problem was the
front room of the shop, where we had set up the targets, is where my
dad stored all the new appliances that he was using for is storefront
which was up by the hardware store on main. Our crime went wholly
undiscovered until my dad took one of the dryers still in the box
over to a lady's house for delivery and there was a perfectly round
field tip arrow head hole right through the center of the panel. He
apologized to her and said he could get her another on or take some
money off of this one she opted for the latter and he came home
looking for blood. I honestly had forgotten all about the arrow
shooting by this time and when my dad was asking who punched a hole
in the control panel of a dryer I was not lying when I said I didn't
know. It was not until he described the hole and how it had gotten
there that I knew that it was our target practice that was to blame.
My dad's investigative abilities were quite good and he thought for
sure That something that ridiculous had something to do with me, that
was honestly very reasonable. When it was sorted out I had to work
for free until I had paid back the damage cost which I did by
organizing the shop.