Phone Get's Stomped Out

 When I got into Junior High I started using the phone a lot and my sister was already using it more then that and we had one phone at our house and my dad was trying to use it for his business as well. He would beg and threaten and plead and fuss and cajole us to not use the phone from 8-6. You Know? Business hours. That was not going to be possible in most cases because School got out and the bus dropped me off sooner than that and those girls were not going to call themselves. So, day after day my dad would try and call in to get some help or information and there would be a nonstop busy signal. In those ancient days there was no reliable alternative to a land-line and we had neither call waiting nor voice mail. There was actually a machine with a tape in it that would record a callers voice. So after months of this probably loosing business and sanity my dad purchased us a second line known colloquially as the kid phone. That one we could use to our hearts content and leave his, and these are his words so please excuse the vulgarity, 'damn phone' alone. Well seems like that would have solved the problem right? Nope. Now we just had two lines to be on all the time and my sister and I didn't need to argue about who was using what at what time and whatnot. This, naturally, made my dad a little bit put out and he swore out death to the person who would dare use his business phone now that he had gone to the effort and expense of installing a kid's phone. One day there was a pressing emergency that I needed to attend to and my sister was on the kids phone so I decided to call a girlfriend from the business phone, because no one would ever know. It turned out to be a little bit of a last straw type situation because my dad had been calling in to talk to my mom so that she could rescue him after some car trouble and he had been getting a busy signal on both phones for two hours. He finally had to call a neighbor to come over and tell my mom to give him a call. When he got home I was still on the phone and he stormed in like a great big angry bear of hate and vengeance. He closed in on me in my room talking on the portable phone and yanked it out of my hand and slammed it down and while he jumped on it yelled at me in words timed and punctuated by his big two footed stomps on the phone. Stay (STOMP) Off (STOMP) Of (STOMP) The (STOMP) F{redacted} (STOMP) Phone (STOMP)(STOMP)! I was terrified because I thought I might get punched out next but he just stormed out and was yelling and ranting all night about it. That phone was little tiny sad little bits of gray plastic and wires beyond repair and almost beyond recognition. At the time I thought h was a massive jerk who over reacted, as an adult I think all in all it was a measured and qualified response. The lesson was learned and I didn't talk on my dad's business phone until late night or Saturdays from then on.