Calling Girls

 Once I got my feet wet in the girlfriend game I took my new found confidence on the road. By the road I mean I looked up cute girl's phone numbers in the phone book and cold called them. Girls I knew, Girls I didn't know whichever struck my fancy. Just so long as they were cute. It actually went okay at times I would look up someone with a generic last name though and I would run into troubles. A Jones or a Johnson might require some calls to wrong numbers before pay dirt was found. But in these heady times of pre-callerID a missed call was no big deal just a quick request for the girl and then when they said I had the wrong number it was checked off the list. One could only hope that the girl they were searching for had an alphabetically precocious father. Sometimes I would hit and then begin an awkward conversation about who I was and why I was calling. It turned out that my plan extended only so far as a desire to talk to cute girls on the phone and I had a good plan for getting that result. When they would ask why I was calling I would usually not have an answer because I couldn't say my real purpose that is the first and cardinal rule of the girl game – never tell them what you really want. I would usually try and make up something about homework or projects from a class that we had in common and then try and segue to a regular conversation. It did not work very well or very often. Once when I actually had some friends over helping me call and talk a girl who was very cute but unaware of my existence became the target of our phone solicitations. She answered and I tried to chat her up with some furor because I had friends on the line in some need of being impressed by by skill with the fairer sex. She just kept asking who it was and why I was calling until she put her uncle on the line and he yelled at us about calling girls we didn't know and bother them and he ended up by threatening to kick our asses collectively. I hung up a little shell shocked and embarrassed that my friends had to hear me wuss out when a angry man yelled at me. In the frantic imagining of my twelve-year-old mind I thought that he may actually try and find out who I was and where I lived and try and find me and follow through on his treats. I gave up cold calling from that day forward. In a strange twist of fate the uncle of the girl ended up being my uncle-in-law by marriage. I have never told him that it was I who was calling girls and needed to get yelled at. He would probably not remember anyway.