A Real Girl

 There was a girl in my typing class who had just moved to Payson from Arizona and she was into me. I was really wary because no girl had ever flirted with me like she was. She would sit by me want to talk to me she gave me her number and told me to call her at home. I was worried because a girl this into me would probably want to 'go out' and that meant kissing and I did not know how to kiss a girl, you know, on the mouth. She was persistent though and pretty cute so I started to entertain the thought of maybe having my first girlfriend. I flirted back a little even started calling her on occasion to chat about what we had in common which was typing class and the people in typing class. I was building up the courage to ask her to 'go out with me' which at thirteen meant exactly no going out because we lived in different cities an I had no transportation. Then she surprised me by coming up to me at lunch in the midst of all of my friends and asking me to go out with her. I didn't answer I just told her I would call her later because I was too embarrassed by the 'whoo, whoos' all the other guys were giving me. I was blushing and walking with my head down to get my books and go to my next class and I chose a path I knew would not cross this girls path. The specific path I chose was to exit the building wait for the bell to ring walk around the long way around the outside of the building and come into class late. Discretion or cowardice? Hard to say, hard to say. I avoided the halls she would be in for the last three periods and made it onto the bus un attached and un-'whoo, whooed'. I was safe and riding home finally able to enjoy the feeling of flattery I had from being asked out by a girl, a real girl. When I got home I wanted to call her and tell her yes but I didn't want to seem over eager and amateurish so I went outside and played until I thought I had given it enough time to seem cool. I went in and called her and when her mom answered she asked right away who it was when I told her she seemed relived and got her daughter for me. When she got on the phone I could tell she had been crying as she was still short of breath in the halting manner of a post-cry breath catching. My heart sank because I knew she was sad because I had rejected her but I couldn't tell her it was just because I was a massive wuss and was too shy. I chatted to her like there was nothing particular I had called to talk about and then she asked me why I didn't want to go out with her. I said I did I just didn't want to tell her that in front of my friends. She took that to mean I was ashamed to be with her but I told her some cleaver and false excuse that didn't make me sound like a wussy. She asked pointedly to make certain that I was on board with going out and I said yes and had my first real girlfriend. I made an excuse to get off the phone and spent the rest of the night worried that she might want to hold hands at school or more unfathomably horrible, kiss. But like Big Daddy Kane warned - Pimpin' Ain't Easy.