Pommel Horses and Podiatry

 There is only one way through a mobile home and that is front to back in a strait line. If you are having a touch of the cabin fever and want to run around you have the choice of up the hall or down the hall or if you are feeling daring, both. One of our favorite moves when we were well clear of parental oppression was to use the hall from the back bedroom to the front as a runway and the arm of the couch at the end of the hall as a pommel horse. We would get a run as fast as we could down the hall jump and handspring to a front flip over the armrest and land on the cushions. We were perfecting the art one day going for one-and-a-half flips and round-offs and grannies when tragedy struck. Well, it stuck me, or more accurately it was laying there and I impaled myself upon the tragedy. A toothpick had been left on the floor somehow and had worked itself into a nearly vertical orientation. After a great run-jump-trick-dismount series I was turning to run back when it went deeply through my heel and broke off inside. You may be asking yourself what is it with this kid and the wood breaking off inside his body, good sir or madam constant reader, I have no idea, no dang idea. My brother and sister tried to help me pick it out but it had broken off and was drawn in about ½ an inch and it was really painful. When my parents got home they took a look and quickly determined that it was in need of medical attention and my mom took me into the E.R. For the ten-umpteenth time. The doctor asked ridiculous questions about how it came to be that I had a toothpick jammed all the way into my heel, like he was surprised that something intended for your mouth would somehow be perfectly positioned to go deeply in a bare foot. He had to numb up and then cut back my foot meat until he got to the actual bone and then he got to the end of the toothpick and pulled it out stitched it all back up and sent me home. This was a useless injury, it hurt incredibly badly, everyone who has never had a foot injury think it sounds minor, most people blamed the victim – including my dad. The unkindest cut of all you don't ask? Well, I will tell you the scar is on the bottom of my foot and completely un-show-off-able. Oh, that and it hurts whenever the air pressure changes. My advice is to just skip it as the upside is miniscule and the downside is significant. But do what you want, you will anyway, but a word to the wise is, in this case at least, most likely unnecessary.