Gun Wound to the Head

It's not a bad gun it just did bad things.

 My dad is a gun person in fact of possession more than in use, but a gun guy nonetheless. He owns about twenty different guns and literally tens of thousand rounds of ammunition. He used to go shooting with his friends and his boy scout troop and we could come along. Many times we would get involved in a shooting contest with the older boys and mostly hold our own. We mostly shot .22s either in the 10/22 rife or the Rugar 22 pistol which is a semi-auto that works differently than most semi-auto pistols. In many pistols the action and the barrel both move to allow room for the spent shell to be ejected and the new on to be injected into the firing chamber. The Rugar only moved the back part of the action back and forth and the barrel remains completely still. That means that is moves farther back because it is not double acting. This actually does matter in context of this gun wound to the head story. We were out at the gun range by which I mean the gravel pit. Everyone was trying to hit eggs to see who was the best shot and Matt and I were trying to teach the older boys a lesson. When Matt was up he started out good shooting fine but to better his aim he started moving the gun just a little closer to his face with each successive pull of the trigger. After one shot we heard him scream and blood was running down his face so we naturally thought that he had been hit with a ricochet and was dieing. Everyone ran over to him and my dad looked him over and saw that somehow he had a nicely rounded half-moon wound right between the eyes and that blood was pouring down each side of his face. It was quickly deduced that he had been struck by the back of the action as it ejected a shell and that he was basically okay just a little bleedy and rattled. I was really glad that he was okay my heart sank through the ground when I thought that he had been hit with a bullet and might die.