Stealing Matt's Much Younger Friends

 I did not go to school in the sixth-grade and I had not made any friends in the fifth grade mainly because of my personality. My brother who was two years younger than me was in school and he did have friends, probably due to his personality. So, I would stay at home all day bored and then Matt would come home and I would be ready to play and that meant tagging along and then trying to take over Matt's playtime and friend. We got in several fights over it when Matt would tell me to leave them alone or later at night tell me I had no friends and to stop trying to steal his. I did need friends though and there they were, being brought right to my door step. After that he would just go to their houses to avoid me and I started moseying over just to drop in on them to see what was going on over there. I would try and get them to do projects with me and try and direct work flow at all times. Now that I am thinking about it I was a really wiener but in my defense I was desperately lonely. With one of Matt's friends I eventually stopped waiting for Matt to initiate contact and I started just going over myself and that was a neighbor kid named Adam. I think that he was even younger than Matt and was three years younger than me but he had a very nice mom and dad and was game for all sorts of crazy projects. When I went back to school and got some friends my own age I kind of stopped being friends with Adam and switched my interest over to his sister who was a year older than me because she was better looking.