Lost Keys Party

Just about every time we needed to go somewhere when we were growing up we would have to have a key finding party. Not a party in the sense of a soiree but more like a posse. My mom is a lose-a-maniac who was always missing important items that were vital to moving the plot of our lives forward. The most common MacGuffin in this hackney and overused trope was the keys which were in a massive bundle that it would seem hard to lose but she was able to, over and over. We would be loaded up in the van ready to roll and she would announce that she couldn't find the keys. We would all pile out and go to the usual places. We looked in on and around the couches and in her recent clothing and in and around where she may have sat, stood or passed by in the past. The weirdest place I ever found them was under the porch, that was not expected because it was under the porch. We would usually find them in one of those place and we would be off. Until the next time, and the next time.