A Huge Sack of Snickers Bars.

When I was 11 I would have claimed that there was no limit to the amount of Snickers that I could consume. I was wrong, shamefully wrong. Justin's grandpa worked at a local stadium and the team was having promotion where they were going to give away a Snickers bar to every fan who came to the game. There was a mix-up in delivery and they were left with 20,000 candy bars which they sent home with students and employees. Justin's family had a couple of garbage bags full and at first they were rationing them out but after the first couple of days they realized that they need not control the amount that were eating as the amount anyone could eat was fairly self regulating. I was so excited at first, I mean, unlimited Snickers right? Ten or so bars into it I never wanted to see another Snickers as long as I lived. My throat was burning from the sugar and I was nauseous and there was a bag of a couple of hundred sitting there taunting me. It was horrible, there was Xanadu and my accursed stomach was turning on me in my moment of victory. About half of the candy was never eaten because it went bad before anyone could work up the will to take another bite.