My Sister R-U-N-N-O-F-T

 I wrote about the day my sister and I raced up to see her boyfriend off on his trip to Montana for the summer. After a couple of weeks of furtive phone calls and malformed youthful plans she packed her bags, bought a bus ticket and ran away from home to live with her boyfriend and his intrepid band of itinerant teenaged firefighters. My parents called his parents to try and find her and they spilled the beans. My mom was planning on heading up to Montana and force my sister to come home but after a few intense phone calls wherein my sister made quite clear she would not willingly return home and runaway again if she was forced to. She got a job up there waiting tables and was enjoying her broke bohemian freedom. At the end of the summer my sister's boyfriend and his friends were going to mountain bike home from Montana and she didn't have a bike so when they headed off she had to ride the bus back home but she didn't want to live with my mom and dad any more so she convinced a neighbor to let her stay with them for a little while. So at the start of school my sister lived through the block from me and sometimes we rode to school together.