I Go Back to School to Learn a Lesson

 If there is a sweet spot in life it has to right at the intersection of freedom and resources and for me being sixteen and a junior was exactly where I needed to be. I had sufficient money from working with my dad and I had a vehicle. Gas was about as cheap as free and responsibilities were few. College plans could wait a year and all I needed was to focus like a laser beam on getting chicks. I took that job seriously now that I could drive I could go out every night because my parents had a mostly lassie fair method of parenting that only clamped down if my dad was under stress at work for some reason and then the parenting would get all righteous for a day or two and then snap back under the weight of the mental load to its natural state of minimal effort. If I paid lip service to whatever and flew under the radar I was basically unrestrained and uninhibited. Unfortunately I was no good on my own recognizance and was constantly coming late to school or just going to school to find a girl or in a pinch, a dude, who would be willing to slack off and go climbing or to the movies or to go hang out at someones house for no reason except to not be at school. I had the benefit of being really smart and already knowing everything that I needed to pass all of my classes easily except for those joke classes that require attendance to pass. That is why I opted out of P.E. Which almost cost me my graduation. Otherwise I was doing fine with A's in all but one class and the liberty to come and go as I pleased. The problem was that they had rather good accounting about who was and who was not at school and my excessive absenteeism was getting me in deep trouble that I was not aware of until the first midterm. I got my midterm reports and I had a 'U' or Unsatisfactory citizenship grade in all eight of my classes. I wouldn't have cared except I would be banned from sport events, dances, and all extra curricular activities and I loved debate and dancing so I had to straiten up and fly right. They had a program for working off 'U' grades which took about an hour a piece or else your parents could call up and pay a fine for your 'U' to go away. My parents were not going to be doing that so I had to work them off with some detention. I showed up at three the first day and stayed till five which was counted as four hours because teachers are generally not so wedded to the rule as law so much as the rule of their free time. I finished up with another of those two for ones the next day and learned a valuable lesson. I could do whatever I wanted for three months and pay my debt in four hours of reading at a desk. See? School does teach kids important life lessons.