mentioned in an earlier post that I had neglected my physical
education in favor of math, science, and advanced placement English.
Well, the state has rather strict rules about that kind of thing and
they will not let you graduate without knowing you were physically
fit. I had to make up for three years of skipping out on PE in four
weeks to be qualified to graduate with my class. The way you made up
a PE credit was to take a fitness pre- and post test which included a
few metrics like push-ups, sit-ups and the big mother of the all, the
mile-and-a-half run. The push ups and situps were no big deal it was
only as many as you could do in a minute. The key with all of this is
that to pass you had to improve pre- to post test and each pre-test
had to improve one to the next, so I had to work a little math. I am
not a good runner so I was trying not to die when I made up for
slacking. I can't remember the exact rule of thumb for how long after
a workout you should taste blood but I think I was over that ideal
time what ever that time is. The mile-and-a-half had a max time of
15 minutes for the pretest so I ran one a day for three days at
14:50, 14:30, and 13:00. The next week I ran the post tests at 14:00,
a 13:50 and a 12:50 for three qualified times proving to the coach
and the state that I was the type of guy who was fit enough to be
called a Utah high school graduate in a manner not at all a mockery
of the principles our great forefathers held forth for the education
of our bodies.