though I had a really steady girlfriend I was still prone to little
flirtation especially with the cute underclass girls that were in my
chemistry class. There was one there that was really cute and had a
boyfriend who was also in class. I used to make a point of
insinuating myself between them, turning my back to him and asking
her how she was doing. She was a cute and shy type of girl who
blushed when I flirted with her which was nice. She was much more
Martha Stewart and less girl power than my girlfriend. Which is the
kind of woman I have a little trouble getting interested in usually
because a lot of times they're really eager to please and I prefer a
little abuse from my females. Anyway after a couple of weeks of
flirting and sitting by her and whatnot I had heard that she broken
up with her boyfriend, who was actually a pretty cool kid, so I bet I
felt a little bad for him, but more excited about my prospects. There
was a girls choice dance coming up and I playfully begged her to ask
me even though I had a girlfriend and I knew my girlfriend wasn't
going to take me. So it was a half joke, have hope sort of situation.
And lo and behold she did ask me out and I asked my girlfriend if she
thought I was okay and my girlfriend laughed and said, 'Sure,
whatever, I am not taking you'. So I did whenever, which is generally
not a good idea if a girl suggests to do whatever.