Running for Office

 I had been on the morning closed circuit television announcements in a technical and usurping capacity for most of my junior year and I liked the attention. There was a kid who was in the media class as well that wanted to be in charge, a position that was granted to the person elected to be the student body vice president, the third vice president to be exact. He didn't like me much and had told me that if he was elected he would make sure I never got to be on the announcements again. Well, then my path was clear. I decided to run for office but I did have that one little problem that I very rarely went to school on time or for a full day and that would make me ineligible for school activities and to hold public office. I had to hustle to make up all of the missed days with some detention and some deals and the day we needed to register for the race I was eligible by the thinnest of margins. When I had signed up for the race I went into the media classroom and studio sat down and asked my rival what he thought about the campaign. He was optimistic because he was the only one in the race. I asked him if he was still planning on kicking me out when he ran and he said I could still be in the media class but I wouldn't be able to be on the show. He said he had plans for how he was going to run things and he didn't think I was right for the new style. I told him I thought I heard someone else was running for office and what would he do if they won instead of him. He said he didn't think that was true but that the current third vice president and tech guru with the green screen and real time tittle machine had endorsed him so he thought he would probably still win. I didn't tell him that I was the one running against him for office but his attitude made me not just want to win but to beat him personally. That was not really my personality at all but for this one time I was going to make an exception.