NFL Pencils for Some Reason

Like little wooden slices of heaven worth fighting and stealing for.

We didn't have T.V. and my dad was in no way a sports fan but on Thanksgiving and some Monday nights we would catch a little football. In fifth-grade there were some pencil machines that sold NFL pencils and all of the sudden some kids wanted to get all of the team pencils and I got caught up in the hysteria and begged borrowed and stole as many quarters as I could get my hands on. There were 26 teams at the time and the San Francisco 49's were by far the most desirable. I didn't know anything about football so I had two motivators; a complete set and multiples of all of the cool teams. I would come early on Tuesday's after they had filled the machine Monday night and get to work collecting my pencils for the week. When you placed you quarter in the slot it made a satisfying mechanical Chachunk as it worked the giving gears of bounty.  
Chachunk - Bills - meh.
Chachunk - Jets - okay. 
Chachunk  - Bengals - sweet. 
Chachunk - Oilers-what the hell is an oiler? 
Chachunk - Oilers again? Gosh dang stupid waste of a flipping quarter. 
Come on! Big money! No whammies - show me the Forty-Niners, please, please, please.
Chachunk- the Browns? The Browns? The damn Browns? Oh, how like flies to wanton boys are pencil collector boys to the gods.
 I ended up buying about sixty pencils to get the full set and then sold the duplicates that I could sometimes at a loss to unload the unsavory ones. Once I had the set that was it I lost interest and didn't care about the NFL until I was an adult looking for a good way to while away a lazy Sunday. I don't have the pencils I think my mom may have allowed my siblings to sharpen and use them like the were regular pencils and not imbued with the magical talismanic powers of a Buccaneer or Ram.