Four Square Gets Really Big

Like little Machiavellis, Clausewitzs, SunTzus and Martha Stewarts always plotting, always planning, never sleeping, never trusting. 
For those who haven't had the pleasure of rubber ball combat an into:

 There were lots of games to play in fifth grade but most of them involved picking teams which was bad news for a bottom rung nerd like myself. There was a meritocratic game that anyone could work into and that was foursquare. The problem was originally that cool kids would 'call' a four square field and kick everyone not cool off and do so with the unsubtle brutality of elementary school kids.
“You cant play on this court because no one likes you.”
At least when you are adults they have mechanisms for excluding the unsavory - like gates, entrance exams, receptionists, caller id and high per-plate prices. That keeps the hoi polloi in check without having to tell them that no one like them it is just implied. Enough of the riffraff complained about being excluded from play that the teachers made it illegal for kids to sanction one court for cool kids and everyone who lined up was allowed to play. There was a second round of exclusivity when a dirt-bag got on the court the three remaining cool kids would all try and attack his or her square until they were out. They also had all kinds of rules that were made up on the fly to the interlopers disadvantage. All of the sudden double-holdy-cherry-bomb was a move that the square one guy could use and you were all but guaranteed to loose you spot. It is important to note that nerds could not make up crazy cheater moves or even use one seconds after it had been introduced or you were called a cheater and kicked off. There were a group of four jet set bullies that always were monopolizing the best and most level field and I made it my personal mission to wreck their fun. David, Shawn, Lindi, and Sarah were the quartet of playground evil that I tried to defeat every day I would get in and nine times out of ten I would loose in square four ten seconds after touchdown but at times I would move to to three and two and on one or two glorious occasions square one and vindication. On one such day I was in such a zone that David could not cheat of beat me out of the number one square for almost the entire recess then when we had just a few minutes left to play he took Shawn and the ladies and left the square because they were not going to play anymore if they couldn't gang up on the other kids. I was conflicted by emotions of elation at having dislodged them by skill alone and sadness that they were leaving me to play with just a bunch of nerds. I can't explain why we all didn't just decide we were cool too and ignore them but once they set out the rules of social order we didn't want it to stop we all just wanted in. After the cool kids left off playing foursquare the interest in it dried up and we didn't play much anymore and then not at all.