Unjustly Spanked

This author, constant reader, has been spanked many times and depending on how you feel about that kind of discipline you may thing it was always unjustly. I would disagree, while unpleasant it was at times a quite effective punishment and richly deserved. This is a story though that will rattle the foundations of even the most pro-spanking it was the time I was unjustly spanked. As we were driving back home from Provo, which is about a 20 or 30 minute ride, sister and brother were fighting over something and they had crossed over into the punching/kicking part of the fight and jumped up on each other looking for blood. I was being quiet, looking out the windows kind tired and their fighting and jumping on each other was bothering me. My mom yelled at them and tried to give them a smack over the back of the seat. Then she did the dreaded follow through on the oft promised, “I will stop this car right now.” She stopped the car to dish out the medicine, it the from of a little vitamin 'S' for the bottoms of the fighters but they saw her coming and jumped over me and pushed me toward the door that they had been sitting next to. My mom wrenches open the door to nip naughtiness in the bud once and for a little while and she snatches me out without checking Ids. That is a clear violation my constitutional rights as set forth in the Miranda ruling. I get two or three spanks into it before she realizes from my entreaties and protests that I am not my brother, for some reason this tickles her and she sets me down and starts to laugh. My wicked, and spank deserving brother and sister also find it quite hilarious that I got spanked because of their strategy. A good laugh ended the fight and the rage went out of my mom so we loaded back up and drove home with those wicked three laughing at my misfortune and I, whimpering and sulking in righteous indignation. I then knew how those wrongly imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit felt, well, not exactly, but close.