Head fishing

Some of the best fishing I ever did was when I was about six years old and my dad had taken me to work with him and drilled me on my times tables and on spelling the whole time. We went to a lady's house and fixed her refrigerator and she gave me a treat. When we were going home my dad stopped off in a place where the river from Springville flowed into the lake and got out his waders and fishing gear and a five gallon bucket. He put me up on his shoulders and gave me the fishing pole and we waded in. I guess, technically speaking, he waded in, I rode. 

The white bass were spawning and were super aggressive and all I had to do was to dip the lure into the water strait in front of my dad and let it drop about one foot and I would have a fish on. I would swing the pole up and my dad would grab the fish off and put it into the bucket. It was so fun and funny that I was laughing so hard I was almost crying. We fished until after dark and had filled the bucket all the way up with fish, probably 80 or 90. When we got out my dad offed to give the fish to a Vietnamese family that was there fishing and I was really sad that we only kept 10 or so. I really wanted to show my mom and sister how many we had caught. I have had some really good days fishing since then but none better.