Psychologist and Not Me

 I had mentioned that my girlfriend had a rough go of it before we were going out but I was not really sure how bad it was. She was evidently having a lot of trouble coping and her parents took her to see a psychologist. The problem with that was that she told her psychologist about me and her doctor told my girlfriend that it was probably not a good idea to have a boyfriend. She didn't tell me this for a while and she was just growing more distant and standoffish. I was concerned that she was mad at me or something so I asked her over and over what was wrong and she wouldn't tell me. I would ask how her counseling was going and she would just say it was fine. We hung out less and less and she started avoiding me pretty obviously then. She finally told me that she was avoiding me because she had told her doctor that she was still going out with me and she had gotten in trouble but she didn't want to break up with me but she didn't want to get into trouble again so she was conflicted and really sad. We were still going out when the school year ended but we only saw each other once or twice a week for the summer and never really were together again. Curse that stupid pseudo-science.