Damn Glued Coins

 My brother, always the practical joker, constructed a practical joke in the bedroom that we shared with Rob that drove me crazy for years. He had artfully super-glued a stack of coins to the top of the dresser in such a way that made them look to all the coin gathering world like they had been tossed there carelessly. A couple of times a week for years either Rob or I would glance over, see a pile of likely looking coins and make a grab for them only to remember, too late, that they were a prop. We would curse and move on and promptly forget that it was a set up and repeat the process in a few days. I don't know why the urge to collect coins was such an overwhelming drive in my subconscious that I couldn't just leave them alone but I could not. One day though my little sister fixed us up and cured the joke with a little unfettered greed, some free time and some elbow grease. One day she had had enough and pried the coins up off of the dresser and separated them and spent them. That is some hard earned money that I remember my brother being really mad about her stealing. She also left a odd shaped scar in the plywood top of the dresser where she cleaned up the joke. I believe my mom still had that dresser today and it still has an ex-joke mark right in the lid.