My Mom Makes Me Miss a Makeout Party
I had gotten over the initial revulsion of kissing I started looking
for ways to try my hand at a little more. By hand I mean lips, I had,
of course, simulated lips with my hand to kiss, you know? For
research. One weekend night I was at home with my family and the girl
I wanted more then anything in all the world called. Whoa. Awesome.
She small talked me for a bit and then dropped the bomb on me, did i
want to come over and watch some movies? I poop dang did. I was
assuming that this girl was expressing interest in some alone,
possibly kissy, time with me. It was actually not the case, she was
inviting me for a shy friend who had a crush on me. This was not the
last time this girl asked me out for someone else but that is a story
for another day. I, thinking I was signing up for a little kissy face
with the girl I was delusionally in love with, I started formulating
a story to tell my mom that would get me permission and a ride to the
girl's house. I told my mom that my friend, I left it gender neutral
for the time being not seeing the benefit of clouding the issue, was
having a family birthday party and I was invited. Nothing could be
more innocent in the world it was the perfect cover I thought. Too
innocent for me to be begging on a Friday night. Also the time frame
for rides was a little off for a family party. My mom's suspicion was
aroused and I was in too deep to change tack now so I decided to
modify the story and make her concerns evaporate. It was going badly
though and my mom had scented the business and my nightmare was
closing in on me, she had put her foot down. I panicked into making a
tactical error of expressing my deep desire to go. Parents know
nothing innocent is passionately sought after and the game was up the
'no' went from firm to final. In my misinformed mind I missed out on
some sweat making out with the girl of my dreams. I was enraged and
consumed with anger in the way teenagers are prone to be. I was only
slight less sad when I learned later that I would not have made out
with the girl I hoped if i had gone but out was still missed some
kissing and at fourteen a kiss, is a kiss, is a kiss.