Nights Spent not Making Out

Over the holiday breaks we were getting to be exclusive and I spent almost every night at her house hanging out, listening to music, watching movies and then arguing with her brothers about which was a better movie. Actually there was lots of different arguments about lots of things because that was the way their family was. I am not an arguer, I like to present data and then consider the best solution to the problem and on matters of opinion I don't even engage other than to mock their taste, even if I share that taste just for the sake of the joke. That made it a little uncomfortable some times when I wouldn't back my girlfriend's play or I would make a joke at her expense. When everyone else would go to bed we would sit and talk in the dark and sometimes cuddle but whenever I tried to turn the corner into a little kissey face I was shut down the mood would cool noticeably and rapidly and it would be time to go home. I would head home a little confused, a little sad, and a little angry. A cluster of emotions I don't feel together very often anymore probably just because I am no longer overflowing with the chemicals that nature sees fit to inflict on minds supremely ill equipped to deal with. We were definitely going out at this point but I was unsure what the holdup was on the smooching. I wasn't overly disappoint though she was really pretty, very fun and cool so there was that.