I Am Not a Good Person

After I drove away I took the dog to the nearby pond where there was a dumpster. I don't know if that was the best way to send this beloved pet off but I was so rattled it was the only thing I could think of. I drove up to the dumpster and opened the trunk. I wrapped the nearly dead animal in the blanket so I wouldn't have to touch him and tried to lower the blanket and dog as gently as I could into the dumpster. Towards the end of the lowering I dropped the dog a little and he yelped piteously. I was crying a little when I got back into my car and I considered the dog's slow suffering death and decided that ethically I was bound to kill the dog to save it the suffering. I sat in the car thinking of how to dispatch the mortally wounded animal and couldn't work up the courage to use a knife to mercifully end his misery. The only other thing I could think to do was to smash his head with a heavy rock and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I finally gave in and drove off without doing anything resigning the poor helpless creature to a slow painful death. I hated that I was a coward, I hated that I had hit a dog, and I hated myself most of all. I went home and got in the tub and cried for a little bit. When I was done I got a flashlight, a gun and some bullets and resolved to do the right thing. I drove back, pulled up to the dumpster, shined the flashlight in and saw the now dead dog that had struggled free from the blanket before dying. The agony of my failure hit me too hard and I vomited on the ground and then said sorry to the dog and cursed myself for being such a coward and letting this poor animal suffer. I drove home and went to bed without talking to anyone.