I mentioned the one
time that my half uncle David came down and we went to learn
chemistry. I had never met him before but he was a really cool guy.
His mom stayed in the house in a middle room that was vacated for her
privacy and David got to stay in the cab over camper. That is true
freedom right there. We would go out every day and hand out with him
in the cab over and he would talk to us about cool stuff. One of the
best things he had was a cd player which, though not exactly rare in
the early 90's, were by no means common. Not only did he have a cd
player he had cd's. Awesome. He had some gangsta rap from the Ghetto
Boys which was a little hard core for me but I didn't let on. He also
had two albums from a local Seattle rapper that when by the name
Sir-Mix-Alot. This guy was more into the rhythm and rime then all the
hard core stuff and it was pretty funny. Many people now know
Mix-Alot from his best selling hit 'I Like Big Butts' which would
blow up the charts in the coming years but when our Uncle gave us our
first taste he was still unknown. We were hooked and I think my
brother and I bought most of his albums and while he was by no means
the soundtrack of my squandered youth he was in the rotation, heavily
in the rotation. Ten or twelve years later when we were in college my
brother noticed that Mix would be playing at a bar about an hour
equal distant between where he was living and where I was. We
couldn't miss the opportunity and made the trip and were rewarded
with seeing one of the icons of our childhood take pains to remind us
during his set that he had been called a one hit wonder but people
overlooked his other hit. Come on people two hits is nothing to scoff
at and especially should not be cut in half for the sake of a jokey