Besides the bread incident it was almost always us eating the Attaway
cousins good food to excess. They had good and fun food like fruit
snacks and soda just sitting around to be eaten on a whim. One thing
that turned out to be off limits was the desserts in what my brother
Matt and cousin Brent called 'kid cousins'. They were actually frozen
dinners for children named 'Kid Cuisine', but they both were
mispronouncing it. They didn't know the first couple of times that my
aunt asked about who was stealing the desserts out of the Kid Cuisine
boxes that she was referring to the 'kid cousin' boxes. They had
pilfered quite a few before she sat us all down and asked who was
taking the tasteless frozen brownies out of the boxes she was now
holding up. Everything seemed to then click and the culprits
confessed, were reprimanded and repented of their sweat-toothed
thievery. I took the opportunity to mock them both for not knowing
how to pronounce the word cuisine. Because that is the kind of jerk I