Shooting WD-40

My dad got into scuba diving when we were young and he started amassing gear. Our favorite and the most frequently misused was a spear gun. A spear gun is like an underwater crossbow that uses two large rubber-bands instead of a cross member to shoot a two foot long spear that is tethered to the gun with a rope so you don't loose it. We were never ever supposed to use it at all so that meant that we had to do it on the sly which was not that hard really my dad worked away from the house most days and my mom was never to watchful. One day when Justin and his little brother were at our house I decided to impress them with a little demonstration of the spear gun's awesome power. We started out by shooting it at trees and toys but it was not giving that dramatic impact that I wanted. So I got a full can of WD-40 and set it up on a stump 4 feet away which was about the effective range of the weapon and shot it the spear popped the can but lodged inside and when the can discharged its contents it flew around with the spear inside at the end of the tether. It was awesome, but not as subtle as I had hope so for the next demonstration we decided to go into the old unused house in our front-yard. I think our thought process was kind of funny when you consider that we were more concerned with getting caught and in trouble then shooting cans full of flammable liquid under high pressure in a confined space. For the next demonstration we selected a can of red spray paint and set it up on a counter top in the room that was crowded with machines and parts my dad used in his business. Justin's turn was next so he got to shoot the can. The effect was even better than the lubricant the can didn't even get stuck on the end of the spear and when it was shot it just flew around the room spinning around and painting everything. That is when we realized the flaw in our plan. There was quite a bit of paint on everything and the room was full of paint fumes and we had to make a haste retreat from our spectacular success. When the air had cleared we saw that there were streaks of red paint all over the counters the ceiling and much of the stuff in the room so we did the responsible thing and put the spear gun away and shut the door to the front house and let that paint dry. Months or maybe years latter when my dad was in the front house with me looking for something he finally noticed the paint on the cupboards and the ceiling and wondered aloud how in the hell some idiot painted all of that. Oh if he only knew exactly how idiotic he may have been quite impressed before he punished us.