Peeing on the Fence

Matt, not my brother Matt, was a neighbor of Justin's and he was a few years younger and super annoying. He was a know-it-all that would argue with us about everything and would tell on us whenever we were doing anything cool. He would always be hanging around irritating us and try in get in on whatever game we were playing. We would often let him participate in either a reconnaissance role or as a tip-of-the-spear type in dangerous, physically or disciplinary, assignments. Ryan had a cattle prod that he was fond of using on us when ever he got bored. A cattle prod is a stick with leads on the end that when you contact them give you a really good jolt of electricity. It was quite painful and so aversive that we would take great pains to avoid him and his toy. I tell you about the cattle prod because in Matt's back yard there was an electric fence that was basically the same thing just stationary. It was common knowledge that you should never touch the fence if you didn't want a jolt and it was widely rumored that peeing on it would make it double. Sometimes we would touch the fence just to see how bad it would be. It was painful but not unbearable. Matt came out and joined Ryan, Justin and I as we were touching it one day and told us that it didn't shock him at all. This was a lie and to call his bluff someone suggested he pee on the fence if it didn't hurt him at all. He said he would because he didn't care. We stood a little way back while he started to pee on the fence. His stream hit it again and again and nothing was happening. So Ryan decided to help the process along and ran up and kicked Matt hard in the butt causing him to stumble forward into the fence still in mid-pee. He ran into the wire mid thigh and it did shock him contrary to his claims and when it did he jerked back at the waist and released his still flowing penis as he fell backwards onto the ground he was peeing all over himself and screaming at Ryan that he was going to tell on him. We were laughing so hard that that sounded fine to us it was worth it. Ryan didn't get in trouble that day and as far as I knew he never did. Seeing that kid hit the electric fence and then pee on himself was one of the funniest things I had ever seen.