Teaching Me How to Swear Part II

The Grandmother Of All Swears

I told you about that rough spoon justice to put in context the fact that by the time I was eight-years-old I had heard the full pantheon of swear words, curses, insults, and vulgarities including the great big grand daddy of them all, the 'F' word, from Other Mother's sainted lips.

The swears were almost always in reference to my grandfather, who went by Papa. He was a mellow dude who was kind to everyone but had a vicious passive aggressive streak that could really wear on a body. I first heard her use the 'F' word as an adjective modifying 'dumb idiot' while she tore into my Papa. She thought I was asleep on the couch so she had dropped her usual demure southern lady act. I was scared by their fighting so I pretended to be asleep. I was not really sure what it meant. You know what? Now that I consider it, I am still not quite sure what it means in that context, as a verb sure, just not as an adjective. I could just tell by her tone of voice and the pure visceral hate dripping off of it that it was probably a word that would get me more spoon time then 'stupid' if I were to use it.

Horse talk indeed, madam spoon-smack thyself.