Josh Begins a Crusade to Find the Aliens that Killed His Cat

This was the only cat killing alien I had ever heard of
Before we left the trailer park to move across town Josh got quite absorbed in fighting cat killing aliens. When he told me about the aliens for the first time I though he must be pretending. He was, in fact, a true believer in aliens that had abducted his cats, killed them and left them in the field. 

To combat this new menace he formed up a gang of kids, rounded up weapons and bikes for everyone so they could go out on patrol. I am a skeptic by nature and usually don't try ruin anyone's harmless fun but even as a six-year-old I had strong doubts about the supernatural origins of the feline murders. 

I think that the Alien Killers gang was the end of our friendship. He had crossed over one of those lines in life where zealotry either inspires fierce loyalty or eye rolling. I just couldn't play along.