Kids are Bastards and the Rise of the Misanthrope.

Just look at the hate in their little faces, like wolves, NAZI wolves of emotional pain
I wore bandages on my face for quite some time and the wounds were prominent scars on my face. When I went to public school for the first time in first grade the kids were merciless. To a six-year-old being called 'mud-puddle face' and 'booger face' (referring to the puss on my bandages) can devastate a little man. And it did. 

I went to school for a few week before I had a complete nervous breakdown. I walked out to recess and sat on the single step outside our classroom. I snapped inside and didn't move or speak for hours until my mom came, picked me up and and carried me to the car. She took my home and let me sit by myself in a room we used for storage and cry. I didn't go back to school that whole year.

For my education I read books. I especially loved our out dated set of World Book encyclopedias my mom had purchased from a thrift store. I was an insomniac so I would stay up all night and read for hours and hours. I would spend the rest of my time playing fighting games with my little brother. Ninjas, karate, Robin Hood, He-Man and G.I. Joe; we played all the classics. I never went back to school that year or the next, and I was happy for it.