Mary Gets Run Over by a Pink Cadillac.

Not the hit and run and lay low machine those ladies were hoping for

Before we moved out of the trailer park there were four kids in our family. My older sister Christy, Me, Matt and finally, Mary. When Mary was two years old she got ran over by a pink Cadillac in the trailer park.
Matt, our friend Josh and I had run across the road ahead of a car that was coming down the street. We yelled at her to stay on her side, but at the last minute she ran across the road and was struck by the front bumper and thrown to the side of the road. We ran over and picked her up and brushed the gravel from her face. The car stopped about thirty feet up the road and the woman that was driving opened her door and looked back and asked if the girl was okay. We said she looked like she was hurt bad. The lady asked if Mary was alive an we said yes, so she got in the car and drove away.

We took Mary home and she was taken to the hospital, she was bruised and cut but not seriously injured. The police came and talked to me about the ladies that had hit her. I told them that they had been driving a pink convertible Cadillac, not a great hit-and-run vehicle. The police looked up all the pink Cadillacs in the area and had them picked up in an hour and they went to jail. People in the trailer park were so upset that a child had been run over that they organized an effort to get speed bumps installed. Those speed bumps are still there. Still, slowing down crazy ladies in convertible pink Cadillacs, I hope.