I Get Dumped By a Girl I Never Dated

As a general rule if the cause of an event seems illogical or without a clear mechanism you should always guess it was caused by an icicle. Because that is almost always the answer. The paradoxical mature of my title is the exception that proves the rule in that it was not caused by ice of any kind. An icicle as a weapon is still the perfect crime though. My girlfriend and I had been spending less and less time together ever since she started going to the psychiatrist who said all boys were bad news and she should steer clear. We still talked on the phone and that was about the only connection we had that summer between junior high and high school. We were still nominally going out but for all intents and purposes we were two islands in the adolescent stream. After I got back from the "All Stars" camp I gave her a call but she was distant and kept talking about this cool older boy she had met at a dance she went to when I was away. If you are new to the boyfriend/girlfriend game I will just let you know that having your significant other tell you how cute and cool someone who is not you is, is not a good sign for the health of the relationship. We talked about the city celebration that was that weekend and we agreed to meet up to go to the parade, the fair, and the mud digs. She came with two of her friends and she looked and smelled amazing I tried to hold hands or hug or cuddle but she kept spinning away to go take care of some suddenly urgent business. After the parade she avoided me at the fair as much as she could in a group of four. Then after the fair and on our way to the mud digs a block away she pulled her friend aside and had a fervent little private chat with her and then jogged off towards her house. The other two girls and I continued on as I asked what was the matter my girlfriend's best friend gathered up some courage and pressed forward into the unpleasant task she had conspired to carry out. She said, "I am really sorry but she wanted to tell me that she doesn't want to be your girlfriend anymore and she wanted me to ask you not to call her anymore because she doesn't want to talk to you about it."
I was struck stunned and hyperventilating a little so the over-brightness of the late summer sun seemed all at a moment overwhelming. I swallowed down my tears and told the girls I was going to forgo the mud digs and was just going to go home. I walked the two blocks home in a stupor crying and hyperventilating. When I walked in the door Rob was the only one home standing shirtless and sweaty under the swamp cooler vent in the hall which meant I had to walk right passed him. When he saw my dishevelment and distress he asked, "Whats wrong with you? Your girlfriend dump you?"
I told him that she had in fact dumped me and thanks for asking A-hole. He tried to hit me for calling him by this honorific title. For some reason antagonizing Rob got me quickly on the road to recovery. I had a little angry self-pitting hateful temper-tantrum about how I was there for her when she was having trouble but when she was better she dumps me for someone with a driving license and a car. Self indulgence indulged I fell asleep, woke up just before the rodeo, went and found a nice girl from a nearby town and took her to the after dance, made out with her, called it a night and started high school the next week with a clean slate.