Cheat Grass

There is a type of grass that grows unchecked in the local hills that resourceful scouts discovered could be used as a projectile weapon. This particular type of grass had heavy seeds with tails and the tips were barbed so that they would stick, when thrown, pretty well into the skin of the victim. They would stick in clothes but it was way funnier if they stuck into bear skin. Unless they were being thrown at me and then it seemed rather juvenile and foolish to engage in such feverish nonsense. Our camp was the one proximal to the comunal showers and that gave us an idea about combining the two. A group of us clothed boys collected great gobs of the spear barb grass and waited for a likely group of scouts to get into the showers. We gave them a tick to make sure that they were most likely naked and grouped around the gang shower heads and wet and unshod. We stormed the castle and threw thousands of tiny spears into backs and buts and chests while the naked ambushed victims screamed and scattered and tried to pull the barbs out while more were still being administered to unaffected regions. There were naked boys running out into the world dressed only in their nakies and we were chasing them until we were out of ammo and then to make our escape. We were back at the pavilion reliving the good parts of our escapade when the leadership showed up to ask us a few questions about some boys who raided a shower with barbed grass seeds. More pushups and more lectures. It was starting to seem like all these uptight squares wanted was for every scout to have a nice safe and un-abusive camp experience. Lame. No good story ever starts with how the teller was kept completely safe and secure. They probably didn't like it at the time but in retrospect they probably don't remember it fondly because of a psychological mechanism that blocked the memory. If they can't remember it and we had a great time that is a net gain over a long enough horizon.