Using up all of My Money Before the Promised Land

Have fun dragging all that delicious food down into your hole, sucker. 

I've never been very good at budgeting or keeping my money where it's supposed to be, I think it started at a very young age when we were going out of Florida, My dad had a certain amount of money for each of us to use on the trip he had this in his keeping so it would not be lost. We started out with 40$ apiece and we were allowed to access that money whenever we wanted and I wanted it at every gas station and vending machine exactly in the order that they came into my line of sight. Every time my dad would say to me, ' this is your money and you are free to spend it but when it is gone it is gone and you will miss out on better things.” Yep, yup, uh-huh – if you are done I would like to purchase this delicious thing that I impulsively desire. My brother and sisters would save up and watch me eat my bag of Skittles and say they were planning on getting something cool from Disney Land or Sea World. I told them, like the wise old grasshopper from that old story that now was the time to play. Like the stupid ants from that same story they kept restraining themselves and storing away their resources for the winter. Suckers. Well, about the time we hit Georgia my glucose bender had wiped out my forty small, and I was starting to think that Aesop may have intended the fable so as to cast the grasshopper's lack of forethought as some sort of cautionary tale. I wasn't too worried because we arrived in Florida the next day and if there is one thing southerners know how to do that is provide food to visitors. I said yes to some Pee-Can Pah, and other delightful caloric enticements. The crushing reality of my plight never sunk in until we were in the parking lot of Disney world in Orlando and my brother and sisters were being handed their money and I was not. I threw myself on the mercy of the court, I cried, I pouted, I begged and my dad had the nerve to remind me that I had knowingly chose my fate. Yeah-buts fell on deaf ears. I had to go and enjoy Disney World stone cold flat out broke. It was okay as long as we were on rides but at lunch when I had to eat a cold bologna sandwich while my siblings luxuriated in the fried goodness of a corn dog I felt as if my plight was more then I could bear. Then came the unkindest cut of all souvenirs. I had to avert my tear filled eyes. Did this teach me a valuable lesson? I don't think so.