I Organize My Sisters Things and She Hates Me

My older sister was hands down cooler than me. She knew about what clothes were cool, she knew about what stuff was coo and was not cool, she knew what type of music was good and bad. Most importantly she would tell me all the time that I was not cool and to leave her and her friends alone. I wanted so badly to be liked or loved that it broke my heart that she didn't want anything to do with me unless I was part of her scheme to get something else. I was always trying to do things to suck up and try and ingratiate myself into her circle of affection. It didn't work. One time in particular I wanted to do something nice for her so I went in her non-shared room, she was the only one at this time that had one, and cleaned it up for her put all of her clothes away and sorted all of her stuff into shelves. That might have been okay if I would have stopped but she had a hope chest at the foot of her bed that was cram-packed with letters and papers and all kinds of stuff in a jumble vomiting out the top. I decided to take everything out and organize it. As a ten-year-old I actually did not know what I was organizing but as a newly minted woman my sister had some sensitive hygiene products stashed in that box and was horrified when she got home to see that I had been going through her stuff and had seen her pads. I had no idea why she was so mad but she threw me right out and yelled at me never to go through her private stuff again and then she was crying and slammed the door and told me she hated me. I started crying and went to my room, I was out six hours of cleaning and the whole plan backfired. My mom came and tried to explain to me that my sister had personal and sensitive items in her room and was embarrassed by me going through her stuff. I tried to explain that I wasn't going through her stuff and I had no idea what I was going through any way. My explanation was no good and my sister was in a snit for a week.