Renting VCRs and Nintendos

Nice right? To be honest it is just a rental

We didn't have a cable connection or even an antenna and there were times when we needed to get our media fix. That meant a trip down to the Video Hut or the Bijou and a look over their meager collections. We would peruse for the nine-millionth time hoping against hope that there was something new or interesting that was rated 'G' or 'PG' that we could watch. If the pickings seemed too slim my mom would load us up and drive six miles to the next town over and we indulged in the House of Videos vast collection of movies. 

They had a whole section of Disney cartoons and classics that got well gone over in those years. In the early eighties we didn't have a VCR so we would rent one of those as well. We had to bring the whole set up home hook it up, watch our movies, and haul it back. 

We also never possessed a video game console, so for special occasions like deathly illness or a party we would rent a Nintendo and a game or two. To get our monies worth we would not sleep for two days playing it non-stop until it had to be returned.