G.I. Joe Ain't Going to Watch it Self

Great American Heros? No, the greatest.
Some deranged masochist at the programming department for a local TV station would play G.I. Joe cartoons at 5:30 am before school. Which, I was of course, compelled to watch. Unfortunately, Bozo was on at 5:00 and my temporal aim was off at times forcing me to watch most or all of that before I got to see some hot Cobra on Joe action. I was not aware of the principles of sound traveling so I was constantly amazed to find that my dad had once again sussed out that I was up at 5:00 a.m. watching cartoons and not asleep or getting ready for school. 

He banned the cartoons outright, so I devised an ingenious plan to enjoy my Joe on the sly. I would put a blanket over my head and the TV and form a parent free G.I. Joe themed early morning pleasure tent. It turned out that a blanket is not the most effective sound barrier and once again my dad was able to bust me. I would not watch for a few days and then build up courage by forgetting the spankings and groundings I got and would go back periodically to suckle at the teat of pre-dawn war cartoons.

I only broke the habit when they replaced Bozo and Joe with some insipid morning happy news show. The nerve.