Pee Training

I thought I was embarrassed by my bed-wetting imagine the shame of being the bed-wetting book cover child.

After many years of bed-wetting my mom realized that it was not a phase that I was growing out of in a reasonable time frame. She cracked under the pressure and decided to buy a pee training program. This fact blows my mind, having spent so much of my life with the internet always on, it is hard for me to fathom how a desperate parent would come across a book on bed-wetting training. Maybe they have those type of things in book stores. I don't know what is in bookstores because I have not been in one in years.

Training manual in hand, we kicked my brother out of our shared room and prepared to spend the night training. I wish we had a classic '80s movie training montage here, something along the Rocky lines, but with a poor tired mom encouraging her son to drink plenty of water and then go to sleep and then waking him up in an hour to go to the bathroom to pee into a cup to measure how much his bladder could hold and then repeat. And repeat. And repeat. The really cool thing is that it worked, not perfectly, but it cut the peed bed down from a nightly thing to just special occasions when it would be the absolutely most mortifying, like camp-outs and sleepovers.