Writing a Report
My situation at this time could best be expressed in the words of the incomparable Mitch Hedberg, “I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a girl who would get really mad if she heard me say that.” I don't remember exactly where in our time-line of becoming a couple this story comes but it was the first time that my crush made any sort of overt sign of physical affection so it anchored in my mind. She was in an English class which was requiring a five page research paper on a controversial topic of her choice. I don't remember the topic but it was probably one of those favorites of the mid-nineties. The key thing is that she was having trouble with the bulk of her assignment she just needed some filler and I can fill, and fill, and fill,(twenty-five words and almost two lines by the time I will finish explaining how much filler I can generate.) We were sitting up in the computer loft in my parents bedroom she dictating and I tating or what ever you call my part of it. Most of the time she had been leaning in close and making what could have almost been incidental contact. I was hoping she was coming onto me but I was not entirely sure yet so I was playing it cool. I was honestly playing it petrified because she was such a passionate and fiery soul that I didn't want to read it wrong and have her destroy me and then be gone forever. Another hour into writing her paper for her and she made a distinctly and definitely flirty move by putting her finger in a hole in the lower thigh of my jeans and tracing a pattern on my leg while I pretended to write. She flirted more explicitly and I finished what I was sure was grade A material, hopefully literally. It was not she got a B-, and you will never guess why, well you might if you have read my writing before, there were lots of spelling errors. I am, whey I yam. I was just ecstatic that my long-term project to turn the corner in to physical romance with this girl was entering the end game.