Oh, it's Christmas
My girlfriend's mom was quite a character. She was at turns feisty and confrontational while at other times she was just feisty. Her main focus in life was making absolutely sure her rights ans her perceived rights and those of her circle were protected after she was done with that full time job she was pretty mellow. One time while we were sitting in her living room talking and she happened to glance out her front window and saw that the neighbor had spent all day putting up a fairly elaborate Christmas display. She mumbled something and then said, 'Oh, it's Christmas.' she turned around and fished a dangling plug out from behind the couch and plugged it into an extension cord illuminating a single strand of blue lights that didn't quite make it all the way around the front window. I have never seen something more hilariously bad-a in my entire life. She was the first person I met that just didn't care and it was an amazing revelation. Every time I see someone ostentatiously outdoing the Jones' with some sort of holiday display I pay homepage to the OG of middle class ennui and mutter, “Oh, it's Christmas.”