we not moving forward with the girl I wanted very fast and maybe that
is why I wanted her so bad. That and she was really hot. My
overriding motivation at that point in my life was still my boiling
churning mind control chemicals of puberty and so I was looking for a
girl a little more available and less of a long-term project. Does
that make me a shallow and self-centered pig, yes it does, and if you
had not sussed that out by reading in this far in that I have a
defective personality than I am not telling these stories right. My
plan was simple I would invite a couple of people over to my house ,
set up a tv and watch a movie in the hot tub and then make my move.
The only problem was that the stupid plan was that one of the kids
who was coming over was a huge U2 fan and weaseled their lame concert
video into the play list and it was two hours of overheating in the
water suffering through 'Rattle and Hum'. The best part was that I
knew in my heart that it would soon be over. When it was over I got
changed and we all loaded into my truck to take everyone home. I once
again used my far from original 'take the girl home last' method of
creeping. When all the boys and girls were dropped off I had about
a two mile drive to make my move. My needy and pathetic over
eagerness is cringe-worthy to this day. I asked her some small talk
questions and then when we were about to turn down the road to her
house I made my move. I pulled the truck over to the side of the road
and put my hand on her knee and asked her if she was interested in
hooking up. I need to let you know that this is a girl that I dated
before in junior high and that since that time this was the second
time we had even talked and she had just broken up with a long time
boyfriend and was not in a good place emotionally. She declined and
asked me to just take her home. I did and then swore at myself and
called myself names the whole way home because I hated how stupid,
creepy and lame I was. I wanted to call her up and apologize but back
in the days of only having one family phone there was a good chance a
call to her house would be highly disruptive. I settled for writing
her a note an delivering it to her house the next morning and then I
didn't talk to her again until the summer after graduation when I
saved her from an abusive relationship. I included that detail ahead
of schedule to provide me with some modicum of redemption after all.