Free Tickets and A Girl in the Bargain

 I don't know why it happened that our fates were so closely aligned the spring of that year but The kid who was running against me for third vice president, and lost his hat to me, was dating a girl that was on the debate team that seemed like she kind of had a thing for me. We would sit by each other on the bus rides to and from events and we had always been good friends. I thought she was a really smart, cute and funny girl with just that one tiny defect of having a boy friend and especially that kid. Well, their little deal started to unravel at some point but not before the most ridiculous turn of events regarding some tickets to Pearl Jam. Towards the end of their time dating the guy had wanted to take her to the concert but to buy tickets over the phone he needed her credit card. He bought the tickets on her card and gave her the cash. The tickets came but the concert, which was to be held outdoors, was rained out and rescheduled. Between the first and second concerts they had a big fight and broke up leaving her single and because they sent the rescheduled tickets to the card holder she had those too. That is where I came in. The day they broke up we were leaving to a weekend tournament in a city four hours away and we would be spending the night in motels. I, being a good friend, decided to cheer her up with a little flirting, hand holding and a cuddle or two for good measure. She was pretty sad about her break up but I did what I could to help her through. It was a great weekend and on the way back on the bus we sat by each other and she invited me to go to the new Pearl Jam concert with her. With his ticket? At his expense? With his hot ex-girlfriend? To go see one of the all time great bands? Yes, I think I would like to take you up on that offer it sounds rather nice. If I wanted too I could not have planed a more perfectly executed coup. This poor guy just lost the election, then his hat (he got that back), then his girlfriend, then his tickets to Pearl Jam. I was like the accidental Mr. Ripley.